Disease Transmission and Prevention
Tick bites can transmit various diseases, including Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and more. Contrary to popular belief, ticks aren’t easily detected like mosquito bites. They’ve evolved with sophisticated mechanisms that make them almost undetectable. Their saliva contains natural anesthetics and immune suppressors, ensuring hosts feel nothing when bitten. In June and July, watch out for nymphs (size of a poppy seed).
Prevention is key: opt for light-colored clothing and ensure long sleeves are tucked into pants, while pants are tucked into socks, apply bug spray, stay on trails, and thoroughly check for ticks after outdoor activities. Proper tick removal involves gently lifting it off with tweezers, cleaning the bite area, and seeking medical assistance if deeply embedded.
Symptom Awareness
After a tick bite, monitor for symptoms such as a bullseye-shaped skin rash, fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, and fatigue. Seek medical attention if any of these symptoms occur.
Reporting and Testing
You can have ticks identified and tested for diseases through various channels, including submitting photos to the great eTick.ca website, downloading the etick app, or seeking testing through healthcare providers or veterinarians (vets usually are very up-to-date with tick information!)