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Committed to Safety

Estsék’ and its parent companies are committed to maintaining a healthy and safe workplace for all team members, sparing no effort when it comes to preventing occupational illness, accidents and injury. To deliver on our commitment to safety, Estsék’ and its parent companies have implemented occupational health and safety programs that aim to establish a safety performance record that we can be proud of and that earns the confidence of both our team, and clients while contributing to an overall safety culture. Our companies have established safety committees that regularly review company policies and procedures to ensure that as a team we are continuing to improve on all aspects of our safety program. Our teams are trained to the most recent standards, and equipped with the safest most current equipment available. We are also certified to analyze risks associated with job activities and to develop methods to analyze those same risks.

Investing in Our Team

Comprehensive & Effective
Health & Safety Program

As an investment in our team and to support our clients, we maintain a continual safety excellence rating across a number of corporate safety certifications. These certifications demonstrate a comprehensive and effective health and safety program that is independently verified through auditing processes and on-going data management.

Safety Certifications

Our commitment to health, safety and environmental excellence is an integral part of our business, and we view it as essential to our long-term success.