Report a Badger

Estsék' Environmental Services offers a comprehensive range of environmental services tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our expertise includes conducting Environmental Impact Assessments to assess and evaluate the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects or developments. We also specialize in ecological surveys and monitoring, assessing the ecological health and biodiversity of an area through flora, fauna, and habitat assessments.

Water Resource Management

Water resource management is a key service we provide, encompassing watershed management, water quality assessments, and water conservation strategies. Our team is well-versed in environmental planning and permitting, assisting clients with regulatory compliance, permit applications, and developing effective environmental plans.

Wildlife Management

With a focus on wildlife management, we develop strategies and plans for wildlife conservation, habitat management, and mitigating human-wildlife conflicts. Our Indigenous engagement and consultation services enable effective collaboration with Indigenous communities, incorporating traditional knowledge and values.

Environmental Compliance
& Auditing

Estsék' Environmental Services also offers environmental compliance and auditing to ensure adherence to regulations and best practices. Our sustainability consulting helps organizations develop sustainable practices, resource efficiency, and green initiatives.

Education & Training

We believe in the importance of environmental education and training, offering programs, workshops, and educational materials to enhance awareness and understanding of environmental issues. Additionally, our team specializes in environmental data analysis and reporting, collecting, analyzing, and reporting environmental data to inform decision-making and meet regulatory reporting requirements.

At Estsék' Environmental Services, we are committed to providing high-quality environmental solutions, fostering environmental stewardship, and contributing to sustainable development. Contact us to learn more about how our services can meet your specific needs and support your environmental goals.

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