Report a Badger
Home Projects

Stream Confluence Restoration

Service Areas
Ecology, Environmental
Project Status
In Progress

Service Areas
Ecology, Environmental


Completion Date

Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Secwepemc Fisheries Commission, Private Landowners

Secwepemc Fisheries Commission

Simpcw Resources Group (SRG) is working with Secwepemc Fisheries Commission (SFC) to assess fish passage during low flow conditions at three confluences in the North Thompson River Valley. The three confluences are located where Louis Creek, Lemieux Creek, and Boulder (Joseph) Creek meet with the North Thompson River.

The sediment build-up at these three locations can impede fish passage upstream during periods of low flow, which can result in emergency works during critical fish passage windows to aid migrating salmon return to their native watersheds. SRG and SFC are working with an engineer to better understand the geomorphic activities influencing each of these streams, and develop long-term solutions specific to each confluence.