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Habitat and Use Study for Salmonids

Finn Creek
Service Areas
Project Status
In Progress

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Finn Creek

Finn Creek (Pesqleten; “has salmon in it”) is a traditionally and ecologically important stream for the Símpcwemc (people of the Simpcw).  However, habitat conditions, fish species presence, and cumulative impacts from anthropogenic activities in the watershed are not well understood.  As such, the study is proposing to conduct an assessment of habitat for culturally important species and determine fish use and presence in Finn Creek, which will specifically focus on chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), coho salmon (sxeyqs; O. kisutch) and bull trout (sem7ésell; Salvelinus confluentus) which are culturally important species.

The study will provide baseline information of species and habitat use within the Finn Creek as well as help to inform future opportunities for improvements, restoration, and remediation. The primary components of the study have been broken down as follows:

  • Gather existing information on Finn Creek, including past biophysical or fish presence studies, restoration activities, or anthropogenic disturbances within the watershed.
  • Chronicle the historical traditional importance of Finn Creek and identify gaps in knowledge.
  • Conduct aquatic habitat assessments and fish sampling to identify habitat availability and condition, as well as fish presence within the stream.
  • Compile information collected during the study in a final report including recommendations for further studies and habitat restoration activities that incorporate traditional knowledge into future planning.